Rafflecopter picked the winner of my 100 Follower Giveaway! Congratulations to Amy Lynn Marshall! I will be sending you your TPT gift certificate and my volunteers should be contacting you with your winnings or to get your TPT choices!
Thanks to everyone who entered!
I am honored to have received this award from Dede at A Series of First Grade Events and Vanessa at Kindergarten Schmindergarten.
Rules for "The One Lovely Blog" Award:
1. Follow the person who gave you the award.
2. Link back to the person who gave you the award.
3. Share the love! Pass the award onto 15 new bloggers

I also am very honored to have been awarded The Versatile Blogger award from Lisa at Super Pig and Tyrant King, and from Emily and Antionette at 4321...TEACH, and Markeeta at A Teacher and A Blog.
So here are the rules for this award.
So here are the rules for this award.
1. Thank the blogger
who nominated you.
2. Include a link to
their site.
3. Include the award
image in your post.
4. Give 7 random
facts about yourself.
5. Nominate 15 other
bloggers for the award.
6. When nominating,
include a link to their site
7. Let the other
bloggers know they've been nominated.
Here are my 7
Random Facts :)
1. I used to be an avid bowler! I went to Cincinnati twice a year to compete in a tournament for your average bowlers. Since I have had two kids, I have not been bowling in a long time. I miss it greatly!
2. I played high school volleyball and loved it! Now when we play at school against the middle school team, I have to play on the faculty side and I hope that at least one of my girls chose to follow my footsteps and play. If not that's great too!
3. I met my hubby in Fort Lauderdale, FL. We started talking to each other in the Bahamas. And came home to find we only lived 5 minutes away from each other. Click here to read that post. Now 12 years later we have 2 beautiful blond haired brown eyed girls.
4. I am a mountain person. I live in East TN and love it! I am not so much of a beach person although, last year took the family to Tybee Island, GA and LOVED it! Can not wait to go back.
5. My favorite ice cream is homemade pistachio!
6. I drive a black Ford 500 which my coworkers tend to call my mob mobile due to the tinted windows and the fact that my seat lays back when I drive!
7. My favorite holiday is Halloween! my girls bdays are the day before and the day after and I am looking forward to having costume parties when they get older!
And I am suppose to pass this award along, but I am going to be a party pooper and not do it, due to the fact it took me forever to make this post hence me receiving One Lovely Blog from 2 wonderful blogs and the Versatile Blogger award 3 times from 3 fabulous blogs! So sorry, but that's how I am going to roll on this one.
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