Well I am a little late for this post. We celebrated the 100th day of school last Friday! We did a school wide dress like you were 100, and it was amazing how many students went all out. They had canes and walkers and were pretending to fall and break hips. So Funny:) I always enjoy dress up days and therefore chose to change it up and dress like a 100 year old man. I told my kids that I had left Mrs. Shelton at home. They loved it. I never realized how tiring it is to act old. I was so happy to get home, and change clothes so I could get out of character! But I had a blast.
This is me in my wheelchair and my 1st grade friend Heather!
I upgraded throughout the day started with a cane, then walker, and finally wheelchair. Told my kids I hurt my back and they believed me! We went down the upper grades hall during class change with our school nurse and it was so fun watching how many students actually thought we were old! I laughed so hard it hurt many times throughout the day!
We also found on Pinterest/blog to decorate doors to get students excited. We placed one on the doors our car riders come through and another on the doors where the bus riders enter.
Hope everyone enjoys Friday!
Target Fidget Boxes
4 weeks ago
That picture of us is SO FUNNY!!!
I love your idea of switching it up and dressing like an old man rather than an old woman! Too funny! Thanks for visiting me! I am your newest follower! ;0)
Kindergarten Boom Boom
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